Pain and discomfort in your feet and lower legs can hinder your ability to perform simple daily activities like walking, standing, and even sleeping. Through a series of tests and assessments, a podiatrist can determine the cause of the pain and recommend treatment.

Need for physical exams

Persistent pain and discomfort in your feet, ankle, or lower legs is not a normal occurrence. It is important to undergo a physical examination not only to determine the underlying cause of the pain and discomfort, but also to find suitable treatment. Because some conditions can worsen if not properly treated, it is important to have a podiatric examination when you notice pain, discomfort, and other symptoms of foot and ankle disorders.

Overview of podiatric physical exam

During a routine podiatric physical examination, your doctor will complete various checks of your feet and ankles. A basic routine will most likely include: 

  • Hands-on examination - Doctor will feel feet for abnormalities and tender areas. 
  • Movement assessment - Mobility of the feet and ankle will be checked. 
  • Muscle appraisal - Through various tests, doctor will check for muscle strength. 
  • Other tests - If the doctor suspects a particular condition, additional condition-specific tests may be performed. 
  • Stability evaluation - The stability of the ankle will be tested.
  • Visual inspection of
    • Shoes for abnormal wear patterns. 
    • Walking gait to check for abnormal step patterns. 
    • Overall foot shape to look for deformity or other abnormality. 
    • Skin condition. 
    • Health of toe nails. 
    • Limb alignment.

If you are suffering from continual pain or discomfort in your ankles, feet, or lower legs, schedule an appointment for a podiatric examination as soon as possible.

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